Monday, April 14, 2008

Exciting Weekend

It was an exciting weekend for golf. The Masters Tournament was held over the weekend with Immelman coming out on top and Tiger Woods coming in second place. Immelman led the way the entire weekend and didn't let anyone catch up to his lead. It was very exciting watching Tiger climb the leader board, but just like last year he came in a close second.

The Masters is televised on CBS and is watched by many viewers. The TV ratings seems to have decreased quite a bit during the past 3 years. I think that the more Tiger Woods dominates the more boring watching golf becomes. I think that everyone just roots for Tiger to lose sometimes.

I guess it's more fun when someone actually challenges the number one golfer in the world and comes out on top.

I believe that the GolfChannel marketed its coverage of The Masters poorly. Their television show was very vague and showed very little highlights throughout the program. They should've used a different approach and try to target specific consumers through their online network.

If the PGA allows the GolfChannel to provide individual coverage throughout the tournament I believe that the consumer base could've been easily marketed to. If certain people watch certain players more frequently than others, they can be shown items that the professionals actually use throughout the tournament and create a specific marketing campaign that targets the specific individual.

By allowing to access this information not only through the internet but also through mobile devices, the people who love golf could've been tracked and monitored to show special characteristics about them. By creating an attributes map of the individuals we could market specific items, equipment, and accessories to all types of players.

It's critical understanding your consumer. The more information you can get from your consumer the better you can market to them. I've been talking about this type of tracking throughout my entire blog thus far, and now I really want to create a new golf medium where viewers and fans can come and watch their favorite players.

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